Page 13 - Mirror to the soul
P. 13
Psalm 16
God our strength and refuge; pilgrimage
loRd, when the storms of life arise be near to keep me yet,
my chosen portion and my prize in whom alone my refuge lies,
on whom my hope is set.
2 In God alone securely stand his saints for ever blest,
who shelter safe beneath his hand as in a fair and pleasant land,
and in his presence rest.
3 Lord of our life, our strength and stay, whom yet unseen we love,
uphold us in the narrow way
and guide our footsteps night and day
with wisdom from above.
4 So shall the path of life be shown, the prayers of faith ascend;
until we know as we are known, and sing before the Father’s throne
the songs that never end.
Alternative tune: REPTON