Page 39 - Mirror to the soul
P. 39
Psalm 89. 5–18
God Most High; in creation, faithfulness and love
anGelic hosts above
the Lord of glory praise,
his faithfulness and love from everlasting days.
His Name declare in earth and sky!
With God Most High who can compare?
2 How awesome his decrees, his mighty hand displayed!
He calms the raging seas
and rules the worlds he made.
From nature’s night he brought to birth
the founded earth, the starry height.
3 Before his judgment seat, where justice rules alone,
his truth and mercy meet, the pillars of his throne.
Supreme he reigns, who by his power
from hour to hour the world sustains.
4 Secure beneath his care rejoice to walk his way,
and in his presence share the light of heaven’s day.
His Name adored, to faith revealed,
is King and Shield and glorious Lord!
Alternative tune: DARWALL’S 148th