Page 53 - Mirror to the soul
P. 53
Psalm 99
The praise of God’s holy Name
tHe loRd is king, enthroned in might on wings of cherubim;
he reigns in holiness and light, bow down to worship him! Beyond all majesty and praise
his holy Name confess: the King of everlasting days,
who rules in righteousness.
2 Of old to priests and prophets known with trembling, fear and awe,
he gave his people, set in stone, his statutes and his law.
By those who called upon his Name the voice of God was heard,
his presence shown in cloud and flame when they obeyed his word.
3 O magnify the God of grace who hears his people’s cry,
and come with songs before his face, exalt his Name on high!
to see at last, by grace restored from sin and all its stains,
the holy mountain of the Lord where God in glory reigns.
Alternative tune: CLAYESMORE