Page 56 - Mirror to the soul
P. 56

                                20 Our God be praised, and on his Name be blessing
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TORONTO  11 12 13 10
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       
    
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1. Our God be praised,and on his Name be bless - ing:   how rich in
    
              3. May child-ren's child - ren learn that love a - maz - ing, all crea-tures
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    
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           
   
                            
                mer - cy to re - deem, how swift to save! He heals and par-dons bow be-fore his u - ni - ver - sal throne; his whole do-min-ion
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  
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           
       
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          those who come their sin con - fess join in e - ver - last - ing prais
- ing: - ing:
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Music: JoHn RutteR (b.1945)  
20 Music: © Collegium Music Publications. Used with permission.

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