Page 86 - Mirror to the soul
P. 86
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87 87
88 88
10 10
888 6
78 78
87 87
85 85
lm extended lm
65 65 d 86 88 6 cm
98 97 dcm
76 86 86 86 88 86 66 66 44 87 87 d 776 778 76 76 d 78 78
66 84 d 87 87 lm
87 87 77 cm
88 88 88 sm
85 85 lm
98 97
87 87
11 12 13 66 84 d 66 66 44 76 76 d
Tell his praise in song and story 8 Lord, may our hearts within us burn 9 Safe in the shadow of the Lord 16 Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed 7 The Lord be near us as we pray 5 Open our eyes, O Lord, we pray 24 Bless the Lord as day departs 27 Timeless love! We sing the story 13 Let this prayer, O Lord, be granted 17 From the deep places, hear my cry 26 From the deep places, hear my cry 26 To God, our God, the nations’ Lord 19 Praise the Lord of heaven 30 Lord, when the storms of life arise 3 Safe in the shadow of the Lord 16 I lift my eyes to the quiet hills 25 The Lord is king, enthroned in might 18 For God my spirit longs 12 The stars declare his glory 4 How happy those who walk in truth 1 Angelic hosts above 14 Not to us be glory given 23 Our God eternal, reigning 15 To God our great salvation 28 Bless the Lord as day departs 27 God is my great desire 10 Praise the God of our salvation 29 How great our God’s majestic Name! 2 Give thanks to God above 21 Timeless love! We sing the story 13 Open our eyes, O Lord, we pray 24 Lord, may our hearts within us burn 9 Give thanks to God above 21 To God, our God, the nations’ Lord 19 Let this prayer, O Lord, be granted 17 How great our God’s majestic Name! 2 I lift my eyes to the quiet hills 25 Praise the God of our salvation 29 Our God be praised, and on his Name be blessing 20 Rejoice in God, my heart 22 We sing the Lord our light 6 A King on high is reigning 11
d 88
10 10 10 10 d
10 44