Page 22 - RSCM Members' Music Book Volume 1
P. 22
Words: Veni Creator Spiritus freely translated and adapted
Music: Treble and Bass parts of Orland Gibbons’ Song 34 edited and arranged by Anthony Greening
To the Holy Spirit (Song 34)
Andante (q = 72)
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1. Come, Ho ∑ ly Spi ∑ rit from a ∑ bove, 2. You, our de ∑ fence and ho ∑ ly light, 3. May we by you the God ∑ head know,
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fill teach from
all our hearts
us to know you may ev
with heav’n our God ’ry bless
∑ ly love: a ∑ right; ∑ ing flow:
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* Tenor part is optional
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© Copyright 1983 The Royal School of Church Music