Page 33 - Forbes L'Estrange Mountains shall bring peace download
P. 33

poco rit. D
mfmolto legato a tempo
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         right ∑ eous∑ness.
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 poco rit.
The moun ∑tains shall bring a tempo
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peace to the peo ∑ ple, the moun∑tains shall bring
         {&bbbb œœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœ ?bbbb w˙ w w
49 bbœœœ mpcresc.
        &bb œœ˙. ˙Œœœœœœ peace to the peo ∑ ple, The moun∑tains shall bring
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