Page 39 - Forbes L'Estrange Mountains shall bring peace download
P. 39

Choral Score
The mountains shall bring peace
Commissioned by the RSCM to mark the coronation ofKing Charles III, 6th May 2023 Dedicated to Prof. Eric W. Nye
Words: Psalm 72: 1 -3 and Psalm 1 49: 1 -3
pocorit.A atempo
With grandeur (q = c.84)
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        Give the King Thy judge∑ment, O God, 3 -˙œw
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      poco rit. Poco più mosso (q = 88)
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        Give the King Thy judge∑ment, O God, And -
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##Thy right ∑eous∑ness un ∑ to the King’s son. ‰ He shall judge
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              #Thy right ∑eous∑ness un ∑ to the King’s son. He shall judge &#˙ œ.œœœœœœ˙ œ‰mpœjœœ
‹ Thy right ∑eous ∑ness un ∑ to the King’s son. He shall judge ¢?##˙œ.œœœnœœœ˙ w
Thy right ∑eous ∑ness un ∑ to the King’s son. © Copyright 2023 The Royal School of Church Music.
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