Page 5 - RSCM Festival Evensong 2022
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In our Service
RSCM Festival Evensong Service 2022 Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of our Royal Patron, Her Majesty the Queen
Processional hymn: All creatures of our God and King 6 Introit: In Pace by John Blitheman (c. 1525¬–1591) 10 Preces: Joanna Forbes L’Estrange 16 Psalm 149 (Chant: Thomas Hanforth) 18 First Lesson: 2 Chronicles 5. 11–end 19 Hymn: Come down, O love divine (Down Ampney) 20 Magnificat: Stanford Evening Service in C 22 Second Lesson: Ephesians 5. 15–20 35 Nunc dimittis: Stanford Evening Service in C 36 The Apostles’ Creed 41 Responses (inc. The Lord’s Prayer): Joanna Forbes L’Estrange 42 Anthem: In Our Service by Thomas Hewitt-Jones 50 Final Hymn: For the fruits of all creation 60 Blessing and dismissal 62 Appendix: Alternative anthem – Zadok the Priest by Handel 64

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