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Lindley: Ave Maria SATB Version
Nardone: I give to you a new commandment
Gowers: Viri Galilaei
Carter: Mary's Magnificat
Lindley: Ave Maria (Litany to Mary) (U)
Chilcott: Be thou my vision
Faure: Cantique De Jean Racine (ed. Rutter)
Chilcott: Irish blessing
Howells: Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks
Jacob: Brother James's air (SATB)
Bainton: And I saw a new heaven
Barnard: In the heart where love is abiding (SATB or U)
Lole: Shall we not love thee, Mother dear?
MacMillan: A New Song
Elgar: The Spirit of the Lord (ed. Wells)
Greene: Lord, let me know mine end (ed. Lyne)
Archer: My song is love unknown (SS)
Loosemore: O Lord, increase our faith
Messiaen: O sacrum convivium
Franck: Panis angelicus (SS arr. Geehl)