Page 17 - Mirror to the soul
P. 17

                                Psalm 20
Trusting God’s faithfulness
tHe loRd be near us as we pray
and help us, through the darkest day, to find our spirits’ strength and stay
in his most holy Name.
To him be heartfelt homage paid and sacrifice of prayer be made; in him we trust, and undismayed
his promised presence claim.
2 May God our dearest hopes fulfil and move our hearts to seek his will, rejoicing in his triumph still
and his prevailing Name;
who hears and answers all our prayers, who knows the weight of human cares, and in his Son our nature shares,
for evermore the same.
3 Let others trust in wealth and power to save them in the evil hour,
we find our refuge and our tower
in God’s eternal Name;
in him to stand, secure and strong, believers who to Christ belong,
and with his saints in ceaseless song
his faithfulness proclaim.
 Alternative tune: BROOKSHILL

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