Page 18 - Mirror to the soul
P. 18
6 We sing the Lord our light
WATLINGTON HILL 66 66 44 44 Unison
his up -
1. We sing the Lord our
4. His love will still pre - vail, his might - y hand
light; our strength,
who walk
way; though full of fears the night, though long and hold, though kith and kin may fail and dear - est
hard the day. His mer - cy kind we
hearts grow cold; be pa - tient yet! his
bold - ly claim who in his Name sal - va - tion find.
king - dom own, in whom a - lone our hopes are set!
Music:JoHn baRnaRd (b.1948)
6 Music: © John Barnard / Administered by The Jubilate Group. Used by permission.