Page 2 - Mirror to the soul
P. 2

                                 Published in the uk in 2013 by
The Royal School of Church Music
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Compilation © 2013 by Timothy Dudley-Smith
Permission to reproduce texts:Though these texts are copyright and may not
be copied or reproduced in any form without the permission of the author or
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Music copyrights are as shown in the book.
Requests to reproduce music shown to be in copyright should be addressed to the music copyright holders indicated.
Timothy Dudley-Smith has asserted his moral rights to be identified as the author of this work under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
ISBN: 978-0-85402-234-2
Also by the same author:
Beneath a travelling Star: thirty contemporary carols and hymns for Christmas
A Calendar of Praise: thirty contemporary hymns for seasons of the ChristianYear High Days and Holy Days: thirty contemporary hymns for annual occasions
in the life of the local church
TheVoice of Faith: thirty contemporary hymns for Saints' Days
or based on the liturgy
Above Every Name: thirty contemporary hymns in praise of Christ
Draw Near to God: thirty contemporary hymns for worship, mainly for the pastoral Services
Cover design by Anthony Marks
Music Engraving by William Llewellyn, Devon, uk Typesetting and layout by rscm press Printed in England by Halstan & Co, Amersham

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