Page 5 - Mirror to the soul
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                                Psalm 91 Psalm 92 Psalm 99
Psalm 100 Psalm 103 Psalm 107 Psalm 111 Psalm 115 Psalm 119 Psalm 121 Psalm 130 Psalm 134 Psalm 145 Psalm 146 Psalm 148
16 Safe in the shadow of the Lord Trust, security and confidence
17 Let this prayer, O Lord, be granted Fruitfulness; Scripture;‘the life of heaven’
18 The Lord is king, enthroned in might The praise of God’s holy Name
19 To God, our God, the nations’ Lord Testimony; thankfulness and praise
20 Our God be praised, and on his Name be blessing God’s unchanging grace and mercy
21 Give thanks to God above Human need and divine love
22 Rejoice in God, my heart Joy in God;‘eternal praise’
23 Not to us be glory given ‘Hope is in the living Lord’
24 Open our eyes, O Lord, we pray God’s word and our response
25 I lift my eyes to the quiet hills ‘Kept by the Father’s care’
26 From the deep places, hear my cry Penitence;‘the dew of blessing’
27 Bless the Lord as day departs Evening; grace; peace and mercy
28 To God our great salvation Testimony; praise; rejoicing
29 Praise the God of our salvation ‘Set your souls to sing his praise’
30 Praise the Lord of heaven ‘Magnify his Name’

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