Page 7 - Mirror to the soul
P. 7
Psalm 1
Christian experience and discipleship
HoW happy those who walk in truth, nor make the wrong their choice, nor take the path that sinners tread,
nor sit where scornful words are said, but in the law of God are led
to wonder and rejoice.
2 The meditations of their heart by day and night incline
to ponder God’s eternal word
and find, with soul and conscience stirred, the very voice of God is heard,
a law of life divine.
3 As trees beside the water stand in summer’s splendour seen,
and nourished by the streams that flow their ripened fruits in season show,
so shall the godly thrive and grow,
whose leaves are always green.
4 The wicked fly like scattered chaff upon the wind away:
the Lord shall drive them forth as dust, but those who in his mercy trust
await the mansions of the just
in everlasting day.
Alternative tunes: REVELATION or WITHINGTON