Page 22 - Mirror to the soul
P. 22

                                8 Tell his praise in song and story
ABBOT’S LEIGH 87 87 d 
 
         
                         1. Tell his praise in
song and sto- ry, bless the Lord with
              
                             
                
  
                 heart and voice;
in my God is all my glo-ry, come be-   
  
                      
                                    
 
       - fore him
and re - joice. Join
to praise his Name to - geth er,
 
   
 
      
               
   
 
                   
he   who hears his peo - ple’s cry; tell   his praise, come
 
 
                  
 
                wind or wea- ther, shin - ing fac - es lift - ed high.
  
    
            Music: cyRil Vincent tayloR (1907–1991)
8 Music: From The BBC Hymn Book, 1951 © Oxford University Press. Reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.

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