Page 23 - Mirror to the soul
P. 23

                                Psalm 34
Experience; testimony; praise
tell his praise in song and story,
bless the Lord with heart and voice;
in my God is all my glory, come before him and rejoice.
Join to praise his Name together, he who hears his people’s cry;
tell his praise, come wind or weather, shining faces lifted high.
2 To the Lord whose love has found them cry the poor in their distress;
swift his angels camped around them prove him sure to save and bless.
God it is who hears our crying though the spark of faith be dim;
taste and see! beyond denying blest are those who trust in him.
3 Taste and see! In faith draw near him, trust the Lord with all your powers; seek and serve him, love and fear him,
life and all its joys are ours: true delight in holy living,
peace and plenty, length of days; come, my children, with thanksgiving bless the Lord in songs of praise.
4 In our need he walks beside us, ears alert to every cry;
watchful eyes to guard and guide us, love that whispers ‘It is I.’
Good shall triumph, wrong be righted, God has pledged his promised word;
so with ransomed saints united join to praise our living Lord!
 Alternative tune: HYFRYDOL (No.23 in this book)

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