Page 29 - Mirror to the soul
P. 29

                                Psalm 63
Thirst for God; hope and joy
God is my great desire, his face I seek the first;
to him my heart and soul aspire, for him I thirst.
As one in desert lands, whose very flesh is flame,
in burning love I lift my hands and bless his Name.
2 God is my true delight,
my richest feast his praise,
through silent watches of the night, through all my days.
To him my spirit clings, on him my soul is cast;
beneath the shadow of his wings he holds me fast.
3 God is my strong defence in every evil hour;
in him I face with confidence the tempter’s power.
I trust his mercy sure,
with truth and triumph crowned:
my hope and joy for evermore in him are found.

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