Page 31 - Mirror to the soul
P. 31

                                Psalm 72
‘The sovereign Lord of all’
a kinG on high is reigning whom endless ages bless,
from sea to sea sustaining his rule of righteousness.
Beneath his strong defending his people stand secure,
whose justice knows no ending while sun and moon endure.
2 As rains that gently nourish and bring the seed to birth,
his righteousness shall flourish, his peace possess the earth;
her sceptred kings acclaim him, before his feet they fall,
the nations kneel to name him the sovereign Lord of all.
3 The poor are in his keeping, he hears their bitter cry,
his watchfulness unsleeping to answer every sigh;
the lonely and neglected, the outcast and in need,
forsaken and rejected,
to him are dear indeed.
4 His Name endures for ever who formed the fertile land;
the fruits of our endeavour shall prosper in his hand.
With prayer and song and story his praises sound again,
in all the earth his glory; so be it, Lord! Amen!
 Alternative tune: KING’S LYNN (No.28 in this book)

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