Page 32 - Mirror to the soul
P. 32

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12 For God my spirit longs
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1. For God my spi - rit longs with - in his courts to come,
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                   while in my heart I hear the songs that speak to me of home.
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Music: myles biRket FosteR (1851-1922) Psalm 84
God our eternal home
FoR God my spirit longs within his courts to come,
while in my heart I hear the songs that speak to me of home.
2 The sparrow builds her nest, the swallow lays her young:
may my long home be with the blest who hear God’s praises sung.
3 My journey be with those whose pilgrim feet have trod
where water in the desert flows, a highway home to God.
4 To him, when life is past,
my song shall still be praise;
our Sun and Shield while time shall last, and to eternal days.
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