Page 59 - Mirror to the soul
P. 59
Psalm 107
Human need and divine love
the Fa- ther whose re - deem - ing love still ga - thers in his own.
Music: William HenRy monk (1823–1889)
GiVe tHanks to God above and make his glories known,
the Father whose redeeming love still gathers in his own.
2 In deserts of despair,
when faint and far astray,
the Lord himself will meet us there and be himself the Way.
3 In darkness and distress, and rebels though we be,
he hears us in our helplessness and sets the prisoner free.
4 In weight of sin laid low,
by sickness sore oppressed,
the weary still his welcome know, and taste his promised rest.
5 In storm, and tempest-tossed, when waves as mountains come,
he stills the seas and leads the lost to haven and to home.
6 All things are in his hand: rejoice in him who reigns!
For evermore his mercies stand, his steadfast love remains.
Alternative tune: SANDYS