Page 61 - Mirror to the soul
P. 61
Psalm 111
Joy in God;‘eternal praise’
trace his glo - ries, O my soul, in earth and sky.
ReJoice in God, my heart, with all whose voices raise
their thankful songs, and take your part in ceaseless praise!
His words and works extol, exalt his Name on high,
and trace his glories, O my soul, in earth and sky.
2 The splendour of his reign in majesty appears,
whose grace and mercy shall remain to endless years.
Secure in him we stand,
our God, whose ways are just;
redeemed by his almighty hand, in him we trust.
3 His deeds their Lord proclaim, with all created things,
and from the honour of his Name all wisdom springs.
Come share, my soul, the songs celestial voices raise,
and worship him to whom belongs eternal praise!
Alternative tune: LEONI (No.10 in this book)