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Composers S

Stanford: O for a closer walk
Sumsion: A song of triumph
Sumsion: Blessed are they
Sumsion: Bow down thine ear O Lord
Sumsion: I will lift up mine eyes
Sumsion: Nine Introits for seasons of the Church's Year
Sumsion: O Lord, thou hast searched me out
Sumsion: One thing have I desired of the Lord
Sumsion: Praise to the Lord of our salvation
Sumsion: The Lord ascendeth up on high
Sumsion: The Spacious Firmament
Schutz: Selig Sind Die Toten
Stanford: When God of old
Shephard: Song of Simeon
Schubert: Lord is my shepherd (SSAA)
Scheidt: Surrexit Christus hodie
Shephard: Two Motets
Sheppard: Two polyphonic hymns: Jesu, salvator saeculi, verbum & Deus tuorum militum
Stanford: For lo, I raise up (new edition edited by Jeremy Dibble)
Stanford: The earth is the Lord's