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Seasonal Suggestions

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Part: The Beatitudes
Harris: Faire is the heaven (SSAATTBB)
Harwood: O how glorious is the kingdom
Oxford Book of Christmas Organ Music for Manuals
Handl/Victoria:In nomine/Gaudent in Caelis
How: Praise, O praise
Archer: People, look East
Hurford: Litany to the Holy Spirit (U)
Ives: Listen sweet dove SATB & Organ
Lole: Song of the Light
Lloyd: View me Lord
The Oxford Book of Lent and Easter Organ Music for Manuals
Madden: We will remember them
Mendelssohn: There shall a star from Jacob come forth
Walford Davies: O little town of Bethlehem (full)
Ferguson: Two Advent carols (People look East/The Lord at first did Adam make)
Goldschmidt: A tender shoot (ed. Henderson)
Ives: O remember Adam's fall
Manz: E'en so Lord Jesus
Lauridsen: O Nata Lux