Seasonal Suggestions
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Rutter: All things bright and beautiful (SATB)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Rutter: God be in my head (SATB)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Bullard: feast of palms
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Bullock: Give us the wings of faith
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Shephard: Out of the stillness (SATB)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: Coelos ascendit hodie (SATB/SATB)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: Lighten our darkness
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Morales: O Magnum Mysterium
Lower Voices
Choral leaflet
Tavener: Funeral Ikos (SSATBB)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Tavener: Song for Athene
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Carter: O come, O come Emmanuel
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Berkeley, This Endernight
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Wilby: Ave Maria
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Wood: Glorious and powerful God
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Croft: God is gone up (SSAATB)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Dams: If I take the wings of the morning
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Edwards/Guest: Two anthems for Remembrance
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Bruckner: Virga Jesse
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Farrant: Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake (with Amen)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Ferguson: Away with gloom, away with doubt
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet