Composers S
Sumsion: O Lord, thou hast searched me out
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Sumsion: One thing have I desired of the Lord
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Sumsion: Praise to the Lord of our salvation
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Sumsion: The Lord ascendeth up on high
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Sumsion: The Spacious Firmament
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Schutz: Selig Sind Die Toten
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: When God of old
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Shephard: Song of Simeon
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Scheidt: Surrexit Christus hodie
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Shephard: Two Motets
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: The earth is the Lord's
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: Arise, shine
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: Lo! He comes
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: O praise the Lord of heaven (Psalm 150)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Sheppard: O God be merciful unto us, and bless us
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: And I saw another angel
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Stanford: Blessed are the dead
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet