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Composers H

Helvey: O gracious light
Higginson: Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Higginson: The Lord bless you and keep you
Higginson: The strife is o'er
Hewitt Jones: Trust in the Lord
Hooper: Behold it is Christ
Victoria, Lassus, Handl: Three sixteenth-century settings of Ave Maria
Higginson: O praise God in his holiness
Higginson: O sing unto the Lord a new song
Higginson: Deep river
How: Requiem Cantata: The Hope of Splendour
Higginson: Set me as a seal
Higginson: Ave verum
Higginson: Jesus Christ is risen today
Higginson: Let all the world in every corner sing
Hewitt Jones, Thomas: Oculi Omnium
Howells; Behold, O God our defender
Helvey: Song of creation
How: O praise the Lord
Higginson: How sweet the moonlight