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Seasonal Suggestions

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Stanford: Arise, shine
Gowers: Populus Sion (Advent II)
McDowall: Light eternal
Stanford: Lo! He comes
Stanford: Jesus Christ is risen today
Gowers: Ad te levavi (Advent I)
Gowers: Gaudete (Advent III)
Gowers: Memento nostri (Advent IV)
Victoria: Ecce dominus veniet
Rutter: Silent night
Poulenc: Hodie Christus natus est
French Music for Christmas
Parry: I sing the birth
Novello book of music for Lent and Easter edited by David Hill
Grier: Death be not proud
McDowall: A Winter's Night (Christmas Cantata)
Chilcott: Wenceslas
Wood: Glory and honour and laud
Wood: Never weather-beaten sail
Radcliffe: God be in my head