Page 80 - Mirror to the soul
P. 80

                                KING’S LYNN
78 78 d
28 To God our great salvation
 
Unison  
      
                         1. To God our great sal -
   
    va -
            
tion a tri - umph-song we raise,
  
   
               
                
with hymns of a - do - ra - tion and ev - er-last-ing praise.
  
                     
  
                    
That Name be-yond all nam - ing from age to age a - dored,
   
      
                
      
 we lift on high pro - claim - ing the great - ness of the Lord.
         
      
  
       
          Music: English folk melody
collected and arranged by RalPH VauGHan Williams (1872–1958)
28 Arrangement: From The English Hymnal, 1906. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

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