Page 81 - Mirror to the soul
P. 81

                                Psalm 145
Testimony; praise; rejoicing
to God our great salvation a triumph-song we raise,
with hymns of adoration and everlasting praise.
That Name beyond all naming from age to age adored,
we lift on high proclaiming the greatness of the Lord.
2 Declare in song and story the wonders we confess, who hail the King of Glory
the Lord our Righteousness. In loving-kindness caring
his mercies stand displayed, forgiving and forbearing
to all his hand has made.
3 His kingdom knows no ending, enthroned in light sublime, his sovereign power extending
beyond all space and time. To us and all things living
he comes in word and deed, forbearing and forgiving,
to meet us in our need.
4 The King of all creation
is near to those who call;
the God of our salvation
has stooped to save us all.
Lift high your hearts and voices, his praises sound again;
in God his earth rejoices for evermore. Amen!
 Alternative tune: CRÜGER

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