Page 82 - Mirror to the soul
P. 82

29 Praise the God of our salvation
 
1. Praise the God of our sal - va- tion, all life long your voic - es raise,
  
   
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     
       
                      
                stir your hearts to a - dor - a- tion, set your souls to sing his praise!
        Music: maRtin sHaW (1875–1958)
            SUSSEX     
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                
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 
          
1. Praise the God of our sal - va- tion, all life long your voic - es raise,
     
      
                     
stir your hearts to a - dor - a - tion,
set your souls to sing his praise!
                  Music: English traditional melody
adapted by RalPH VauGHan Williams (1872–1958)
29i Music: © Chester Music and Novello & Co, 14–15 Berners Street, London, w1t elj uk. 29ii Arrangement: From The English Hymnal, 1906.
Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

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